Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Family and Maternity: Sevilla Family - Family Photo Shoot - Maternity Photo Shoot

I am so excited for this family! As you can see, Melissa is pregnant! They are expecting their 3rd child and 2nd boy! In just a few short days, I will be attending her birth and taking photos of the special event! I can't wait as I haven't done any sort of birth photography before and I have always wanted to! Please enjoy this sweet family!

Family: Cover Family - Family Photos

Photography really is my love and passion aside from being a wife and mother! I truly enjoy blessing others with nice photos that they and their family can enjoy! My prayer is that God would use me in whatever way He sees fit to bring Him glory!

Engagement: Joel and Bryndal

Please enjoy this sweet couple and their desert themed photos! We had so much fun exploring the desert and climbing a small mountain to capture their sweet and special relationship!

Senior Photos: Michael

I really enjoy senior photos! It is truly a special time in a person's life! Capturing who that person is and what their dreams for the future are, are simply my favorite!


Family Photos: Doyle Family Photos - Large Family Photos

This family is near and dear to my heart! They have been such a sweet and loving family to mine and they love the Lord so much! I was so excited to do their family photos for them and I hope you all enjoy!

Engagement: Cory and Jessica

This is my brother-in-law and his then bride to be! They got married this past June and are so cute together! Please enjoy their sweet photo session that we did in the middle of the beautiful High Desert!